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Terima kasih.

Pernak Pernik Lucu & Unik

Hp : 021 9904.2546 / 0857.1007.3282

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011


Cool Universe Master Light Projector
Auto flashing universe, multi colors
Fit any wall socket in your house 

The universe projector, with which you could enjoy the universal fantasy and romance, the tedious day,the spirit of excessive fatigue,depressed mood,will disappear in the universe!

1.Universe Master features colorful universe, very charming and beautiful
2.The greatest upgrade anybody could add to their Universe Light Show
3.Auto flashing universe, multi colors
4.This Universe Master Lamp is a good decoration and softly illuminate to bedroom or baby's room
5.The Night Lamp with 2 ON/OFF switches for easy operation
6.This Bedroom Night Lamp can inspire the imagination of the baby
7.It will bring endless romantic minds and delight to your life
8.Tender light, not too bright to interfere sleeping
9.This Night Lamp will fit any wall socket in your house
10.Voltage: 100V-240V
11.Power: AC adaptor
12.Material: Plastic

HARGA : RP. 95.000,-

Note : 
Jenis lampu ini cocok sekali sebagai penghias atau digunakan di ruang tidur anda yang akan menambah kesan romantis, bisa juga sebagai bingkisan, kado atau hadiah untuk orang-orang yang anda kasihi.

Berminat memiliki lampu unik ini .... segera hubungi kami

> Wulan  021 9904 2546 / 0857 1007 3282
> YM : wulan_juroku@yahoo.com

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